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access() - Element in annotation type lombok.AllArgsConstructor
Sets the access level of the constructor.
access() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder
Sets the access level of the generated builder class.
access() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.StandardException
Sets the access level of the generated constuctors.
access() - Element in annotation type lombok.NoArgsConstructor
Sets the access level of the constructor.
access() - Element in annotation type lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor
Sets the access level of the constructor.
AccessLevel - Enum in lombok
Represents an AccessLevel.
Accessors - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
A container for settings for the generation of getters, setters and "with"-ers.
ACCESSORS_CHAIN - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.accessors.chain = true | false.
ACCESSORS_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.accessors.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
ACCESSORS_FLUENT - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.accessors.fluent = true | false.
ACCESSORS_JAVA_BEANS_SPEC_CAPITALIZATION - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.accessors.capitalization = basic | beanspec.
ACCESSORS_MAKE_FINAL - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.accessors.makeFinal = true | false.
ACCESSORS_PREFIX - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.accessors.prefix += <String: prefix>.
ADD_FINDBUGS_SUPPRESSWARNINGS_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.extern.findbugs.addSuppressFBWarnings = true | false.
ADD_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
Since version 1.16.14, use ConfigurationKeys.ADD_JAVAX_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS instead.
ADD_JAKARTA_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.addJakartaGeneratedAnnotation = true | false.
ADD_JAVAX_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.addJavaxGeneratedAnnotation = true | false.
ADD_LOMBOK_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true | false.
ADD_NULL_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.addNullAnnotations = one of: [none, javax, eclipse, jetbrains, netbeans, androidx,, checkerframework, findbugs, spring, JML, or a custom set of fully qualified annotation types].
ADD_SUPPRESSWARNINGS_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.addSuppressWarnings = true | false.
ALL_ARGS_CONSTRUCTOR_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.allArgsConstructor.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
AllArgsConstructor - Annotation Type in lombok
Generates an all-args constructor.
AllArgsConstructor.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.
ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_ADD_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.anyConstructor.addConstructorProperties = true | false.
ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.anyConstructor.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPPRESS_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
asEnum() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.FieldNameConstants


Builder - Annotation Type in lombok
The builder annotation creates a so-called 'builder' aspect to the class that is annotated or the class that contains a member which is annotated with @Builder.
BUILDER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.builder.classNames = <String: aJavaIdentifier (optionally with a star as placeholder for the type name)> (Default: *Builder).
BUILDER_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.builder.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
Builder.Default - Annotation Type in lombok
The field annotated with @Default must have an initializing expression; that expression is taken as the default to be used if not explicitly set during building.
Builder.ObtainVia - Annotation Type in lombok
Put on a field (in case of @Builder on a type) or a parameter (for @Builder on a constructor or static method) to indicate how lombok should obtain a value for this field or parameter given an instance; this is only relevant if toBuilder is true.
builderClassName() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder
Name of the builder class.
builderMethodName() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder
builderMethodName() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder
buildMethodName() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder
buildMethodName() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder


cacheStrategy() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode
Determines how the result of the hashCode method will be cached.
callSuper() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode
Call on the superclass's implementations of equals and hashCode before calculating for the fields in this class.
callSuper() - Element in annotation type lombok.ToString
Include the result of the superclass's implementation of toString in the output.
chain() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Accessors
If true, setters return this instead of void.
CHECKER_FRAMEWORK - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: checkerframework = true | false | <String: MajorVer.MinorVer> (Default: false).
checkNotNull(T, String) - Static method in class lombok.Lombok
Ensures that the value is not null.
Cleanup - Annotation Type in lombok
Ensures the variable declaration that you annotate will be cleaned up by calling its close method, regardless of what happens.
CLEANUP_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.cleanup.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
CommonsLog - Annotation Type in lombok.extern.apachecommons
Causes lombok to generate a logger field.
ConfigurationKeys - Class in lombok
A container class containing all lombok configuration keys that do not belong to a specific annotation.
COPYABLE_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.copyableAnnotations += <TypeName: fully-qualified annotation class name>.
CustomLog - Annotation Type in lombok
Causes lombok to generate a logger field based on a custom logger implementation.


Data - Annotation Type in lombok
Generates getters for all fields, a useful toString method, and hashCode and equals implementations that check all non-transient fields.
DATA_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: = WARNING | ERROR.
Delegate - Annotation Type in lombok
Use Delegate instead.
Delegate - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Put on any field to make lombok generate delegate methods that forward the call to this field.
DELEGATE_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.delegate.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
doNotUseGetters() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode
Normally, if getters are available, those are called.
doNotUseGetters() - Element in annotation type lombok.ToString
Normally, if getters are available, those are called.


EQUALS_AND_HASH_CODE_CALL_SUPER - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.equalsAndHashCode.callSuper = call | ignore | warn.
EQUALS_AND_HASH_CODE_DO_NOT_USE_GETTERS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.equalsAndHashCode.doNotUseGetters = true | false.
EQUALS_AND_HASH_CODE_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.equalsAndHashCode.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
EqualsAndHashCode - Annotation Type in lombok
Generates implementations for the equals and hashCode methods inherited by all objects, based on relevant fields.
EqualsAndHashCode.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.
EqualsAndHashCode.CacheStrategy - Enum in lombok
EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude - Annotation Type in lombok
If present, do not include this field in the generated equals and hashCode methods.
EqualsAndHashCode.Include - Annotation Type in lombok
Configure the behaviour of how this member is treated in the equals and hashCode implementation; if on a method, include the method's return value as part of calculating hashCode/equality.
exclude() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode
Any fields listed here will not be taken into account in the generated equals and hashCode implementations.
exclude() - Element in annotation type lombok.ToString
Any fields listed here will not be printed in the generated toString implementation.
excludes() - Element in annotation type lombok.Delegate
Each method in any of the types listed here (include supertypes) will not be delegated.
excludes() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Delegate
Each method in any of the types listed here (include supertypes) will not be delegated.
EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.experimental.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
EXTENSION_METHOD_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.extensionMethod.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
ExtensionMethod - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Extension methods enable you to "add" methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type.


field() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder.ObtainVia
FIELD_DEFAULTS_FINAL_EVERYWHERE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.fieldDefaults.defaultFinal = true | false.
FIELD_DEFAULTS_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.fieldDefaults.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
FIELD_DEFAULTS_PRIVATE_EVERYWHERE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.fieldDefaults.defaultPrivate = true | false.
FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.fieldNameConstants.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_INNER_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.fieldNameConstants.innerTypeName = <String: AValidJavaTypeName> (Default: Fields).
FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_UPPERCASE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.fieldNameConstants.uppercase = true | false.
FieldDefaults - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Adds modifiers to each field in the type with this annotation.
FieldNameConstants - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Generates an inner type, containing String constants containing the field name for each field.
FieldNameConstants.Exclude - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
If present, do not include this field in the generated fieldnames inner type.
FieldNameConstants.Include - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
If present, include this field in the generated fieldnames inner type (default).
Flogger - Annotation Type in lombok.extern.flogger
Causes lombok to generate a logger field.
fluent() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Accessors
If true, accessors will be named after the field and not include a get or set prefix.
force() - Element in annotation type lombok.NoArgsConstructor
If true, initializes all final fields to 0 / null / false.


Generated - Annotation Type in lombok
Lombok automatically adds this annotation to all generated constructors, methods, fields, and types.
Getter - Annotation Type in lombok
Put on any field to make lombok build a standard getter.
GETTER_CONSEQUENT_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.getter.noIsPrefix = true | false.
GETTER_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.getter.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
GETTER_LAZY_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.getter.lazy.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
Getter.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.


Helper - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Use on a method local class to indicate that all methods inside should be exposed to the rest of the method as if they were helper methods.
HELPER_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.helper.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.


ignoreNullCollections() - Element in annotation type lombok.Singular
includeFieldNames() - Element in annotation type lombok.ToString
Include the name of each field when printing it.
innerTypeName() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.FieldNameConstants
isStatic() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder.ObtainVia


Jacksonized - Annotation Type in lombok.extern.jackson
The @Jacksonized annotation is an add-on annotation for @Builder and @SuperBuilder.
JACKSONIZED_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.jacksonized.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
JBossLog - Annotation Type in lombok.extern.jbosslog
Causes lombok to generate a logger field.


lazy() - Element in annotation type lombok.Getter
LAZY - Enum constant in enum lombok.EqualsAndHashCode.CacheStrategy
Cache the result of the first invocation of hashCode and use it for subsequent invocations.
level() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.FieldDefaults
level() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.FieldNameConstants
Locked - Annotation Type in lombok
Guards all statements in an annotation method with a Lock.
LOCKED_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.locked.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
Locked.Read - Annotation Type in lombok
Locked.Write - Annotation Type in lombok
Log - Annotation Type in
Causes lombok to generate a logger field.
LOG_ANY_FIELD_IS_STATIC - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.fieldIsStatic = true | false.
LOG_ANY_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.fieldName = <String: aJavaIdentifier> (Default: log).
LOG_ANY_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_COMMONS_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.apacheCommons.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_CUSTOM_DECLARATION - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.custom.declaration = <logDeclaration string>.
LOG_CUSTOM_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.custom.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_FLOGGER_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.flogger.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_JBOSSLOG_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.jbosslog.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_JUL_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.javaUtilLogging.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_LOG4J_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.log4j.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_LOG4J2_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.log4j2.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_SLF4J_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.slf4j.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
LOG_XSLF4J_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.log.xslf4j.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
Log4j - Annotation Type in lombok.extern.log4j
Causes lombok to generate a logger field.
Log4j2 - Annotation Type in lombok.extern.log4j
Causes lombok to generate a logger field.
lombok - package lombok
This package contains all the annotations and support classes you need as a user of lombok.
Lombok - Class in lombok
Useful utility methods to manipulate lombok-generated code.
Lombok() - Constructor for class lombok.Lombok
LOMBOK_DISABLE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: dangerousconfig.lombok.disable = true | false.
lombok.experimental - package lombok.experimental
This package contains the annotations and support classes you need as a user of lombok, for all features which aren't (yet) supported as a first class feature.
lombok.extern.apachecommons - package lombok.extern.apachecommons
lombok.extern.flogger - package lombok.extern.flogger
lombok.extern.jackson - package lombok.extern.jackson - package
lombok.extern.jbosslog - package lombok.extern.jbosslog
lombok.extern.log4j - package lombok.extern.log4j
lombok.extern.slf4j - package lombok.extern.slf4j


makeFinal() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Accessors
If true, generated accessors will be marked final.
makeFinal() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.FieldDefaults
method() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder.ObtainVia
MODULE - Enum constant in enum lombok.AccessLevel


name() - Element in annotation type lombok.ToString.Include
Defaults to the field / method name of the annotated member.
NEVER - Enum constant in enum lombok.EqualsAndHashCode.CacheStrategy
Never cache.
NO_ARGS_CONSTRUCTOR_EXTRA_PRIVATE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.noArgsConstructor.extraPrivate = true | false.
NO_ARGS_CONSTRUCTOR_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.noArgsConstructor.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
NoArgsConstructor - Annotation Type in lombok
Generates a no-args constructor.
NoArgsConstructor.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.
NON_NULL_EXCEPTION_TYPE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.nonNull.exceptionType = one of: [IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException, JDK, Guava, or Assertion].
NON_NULL_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.nonNull.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
NONE - Enum constant in enum lombok.AccessLevel
Represents not generating anything or the complete lack of a method.
NonFinal - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Used to indicate the explicit intention for the annotated entity to not be final.
NonNull - Annotation Type in lombok
If put on a parameter, lombok will insert a null-check at the start of the method / constructor's body, throwing a NullPointerException with the parameter's name as message.


of() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode
If present, explicitly lists the fields that are to be used for identity.
of() - Element in annotation type lombok.ToString
If present, explicitly lists the fields that are to be printed.
ON_X_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.onX.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
onConstructor() - Element in annotation type lombok.AllArgsConstructor
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated constructor.
onConstructor() - Element in annotation type lombok.NoArgsConstructor
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated constructor.
onConstructor() - Element in annotation type lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated constructor.
onlyExplicitlyIncluded() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode
Only include fields and methods explicitly marked with @EqualsAndHashCode.Include.
onlyExplicitlyIncluded() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.FieldNameConstants
Only include fields and methods explicitly marked with @FieldNameConstants.Include.
onlyExplicitlyIncluded() - Element in annotation type lombok.ToString
Only include fields and methods explicitly marked with @ToString.Include.
onMethod() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.WithBy
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated method.
onMethod() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Wither
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated method.
onMethod() - Element in annotation type lombok.Getter
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated method.
onMethod() - Element in annotation type lombok.Setter
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated method.
onMethod() - Element in annotation type lombok.With
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated method.
onParam() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated parameter of equals and canEqual.
onParam() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Wither
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated method's parameter.
onParam() - Element in annotation type lombok.Setter
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated method's parameter.
onParam() - Element in annotation type lombok.With
Any annotations listed here are put on the generated method's parameter.


PACKAGE - Enum constant in enum lombok.AccessLevel
PackagePrivate - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Used to indicate the explicit intention for the annotated entity to have the package private access level.
prefix() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Accessors
If present, only fields with any of the stated prefixes are given the getter/setter treatment.
preventNullAnalysis(T) - Static method in class lombok.Lombok
Returns the parameter directly.
PRIVATE - Enum constant in enum lombok.AccessLevel
PROTECTED - Enum constant in enum lombok.AccessLevel
PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum lombok.AccessLevel


rank() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode.Include
Higher ranks are considered first.
rank() - Element in annotation type lombok.ToString.Include
Higher ranks are printed first.
replaces() - Element in annotation type lombok.EqualsAndHashCode.Include
Defaults to the method name of the annotated member.
REQUIRED_ARGS_CONSTRUCTOR_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.requiredArgsConstructor.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
RequiredArgsConstructor - Annotation Type in lombok
Generates a constructor with required arguments.
RequiredArgsConstructor.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.


Setter - Annotation Type in lombok
Put on any field to make lombok build a standard setter.
SETTER_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.setter.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
Setter.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.
setterPrefix() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder
Prefix to prepend to 'set' methods in the generated builder class.
setterPrefix() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder
Prefix to prepend to 'set' methods in the generated builder class.
Singular - Annotation Type in lombok
The singular annotation is used together with @Builder to create single element 'add' methods in the builder for collections.
SINGULAR_AUTO - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: = true | false.
SINGULAR_USE_GUAVA - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.singular.useGuava = true | false.
Slf4j - Annotation Type in lombok.extern.slf4j
Causes lombok to generate a logger field.
SNEAKY_THROWS_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.sneakyThrows.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
sneakyThrow(Throwable) - Static method in class lombok.Lombok
Throws any throwable 'sneakily' - you don't need to catch it, nor declare that you throw it onwards.
SneakyThrows - Annotation Type in lombok
@SneakyThrows will avoid javac's insistence that you either catch or throw onward any checked exceptions that statements in your method body declare they generate.
STANDARD_EXCEPTION_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.standardException.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
StandardException - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Put on any class that extends some java.lang.Throwable type to add the 4 common exception constructors.
staticConstructor() - Element in annotation type lombok.Data
If you specify a static constructor name, then the generated constructor will be private, and instead a static factory method is created that other classes can use to create instances.
staticConstructor() - Element in annotation type lombok.Value
If you specify a static constructor name, then the generated constructor will be private, and instead a static factory method is created that other classes can use to create instances.
staticName() - Element in annotation type lombok.AllArgsConstructor
If set, the generated constructor will be private, and an additional static 'constructor' is generated with the same argument list that wraps the real constructor.
staticName() - Element in annotation type lombok.NoArgsConstructor
If set, the generated constructor will be private, and an additional static 'constructor' is generated with the same argument list that wraps the real constructor.
staticName() - Element in annotation type lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor
If set, the generated constructor will be private, and an additional static 'constructor' is generated with the same argument list that wraps the real constructor.
STOP_BUBBLING - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: config.stopBubbling = true | false.
SuperBuilder - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
The SuperBuilder annotation creates a so-called 'builder' aspect to the class that is annotated with @SuperBuilder, but which works well when extending.
SUPERBUILDER_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.superBuilder.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
suppressBaseMethods() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.ExtensionMethod
If true, an applicable extension method is used (if found) even if the method call already was compilable (this is the default).
Synchronized - Annotation Type in lombok
Almost exactly like putting the 'synchronized' keyword on a method, except will synchronize on a private internal Object, so that other code not under your control doesn't meddle with your thread management by locking on your own instance.
SYNCHRONIZED_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.synchronized.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.


TO_STRING_CALL_SUPER - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.toString.callSuper = call | ignore | warn.
TO_STRING_DO_NOT_USE_GETTERS - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.toString.doNotUseGetters = true | false.
TO_STRING_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.toString.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
TO_STRING_INCLUDE_FIELD_NAMES - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.toString.includeFieldNames = true | false.
TO_STRING_ONLY_EXPLICITLY_INCLUDED - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.toString.onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true | false.
toBuilder() - Element in annotation type lombok.Builder
If true, generate an instance method to obtain a builder that is initialized with the values of this instance.
toBuilder() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder
If true, generate an instance method to obtain a builder that is initialized with the values of this instance.
Tolerate - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Put on any method or constructor to make lombok pretend it doesn't exist, i.e., to generate a method which would otherwise be skipped due to possible conflicts.
topic() - Element in annotation type lombok.CustomLog
Sets a custom topic/category.
topic() - Element in annotation type lombok.extern.apachecommons.CommonsLog
topic() - Element in annotation type
topic() - Element in annotation type lombok.extern.jbosslog.JBossLog
topic() - Element in annotation type lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j
topic() - Element in annotation type lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2
topic() - Element in annotation type lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j
topic() - Element in annotation type lombok.extern.slf4j.XSlf4j
ToString - Annotation Type in lombok
Generates an implementation for the toString method inherited by all objects, consisting of printing the values of relevant fields.
ToString.Exclude - Annotation Type in lombok
If present, do not include this field in the generated toString.
ToString.Include - Annotation Type in lombok
Configure the behaviour of how this member is rendered in the toString; if on a method, include the method's return value in the output.
types() - Element in annotation type lombok.Delegate
Normally the type of the field is used as delegate type.
types() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Delegate
Normally the type of the field is used as delegate type.


UTILITY_CLASS_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.utilityClass.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
UtilityClass - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
An annotation to create utility classes.


val - Annotation Type in lombok
Use val as the type of any local variable declaration (even in a for-each statement), and the type will be inferred from the initializing expression.
VAL_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.val.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.Cleanup
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.ExtensionMethod
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.WithBy
If you want your with method to be non-public, you can specify an alternate access level here.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.experimental.Wither
If you want your wither to be non-public, you can specify an alternate access level here.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.Getter
If you want your getter to be non-public, you can specify an alternate access level here.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.Locked.Read
Optional: specify the name of a different field to lock on.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.Locked
Optional: specify the name of a different field to lock on.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.Locked.Write
Optional: specify the name of a different field to lock on.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.Setter
If you want your setter to be non-public, you can specify an alternate access level here.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.Singular
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.SneakyThrows
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.Synchronized
Optional: specify the name of a different field to lock on.
value() - Element in annotation type lombok.With
If you want your with method to be non-public, you can specify an alternate access level here.
Value - Annotation Type in lombok
Generates a lot of code which fits with a class that is a representation of an immutable entity.
VALUE_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.value.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum lombok.AccessLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum lombok.EqualsAndHashCode.CacheStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum lombok.AccessLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum lombok.EqualsAndHashCode.CacheStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
var - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
var has been promoted to the main package; use var instead.
var - Annotation Type in lombok
Use var as the type of any local variable declaration (even in a for statement), and the type will be inferred from the initializing expression (any further assignments to the variable are not involved in this type inference).
VAR_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys


With - Annotation Type in lombok
Put on any field to make lombok build a 'with' - a withX method which produces a clone of this object (except for 1 field which gets a new value).
WITH_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.with.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
With.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.
WithBy - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Put on any field to make lombok build a 'withBy' - a withFieldNameBy method which produces a clone of this object (except for 1 field which gets a new value).
WITHBY_FLAG_USAGE - Static variable in class lombok.ConfigurationKeys
lombok configuration: lombok.withBy.flagUsage = WARNING | ERROR.
WithBy.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.
Wither - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
With has been promoted to the main package, so use that one instead.
Wither.AnyAnnotation - Annotation Type in lombok.experimental
Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation.


XSlf4j - Annotation Type in lombok.extern.slf4j
Causes lombok to generate a logger field.
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